Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)This review is about the Original Lightwedge without the Harry Potter Graphics. The operation and construction is identical:
I read books at night, frequently, so I purchased this product so I wouldn't disturb my wife. This light source is simple in design: tiny LED lamps illuminate a thin piece of plastic (working similar to a fiberoptic lamp Lumisource LS-FO SPRAY Fiber Optic Spray). It is about the dimensions of a full sized book and the black handle which houses the battery/light source is somewhat bulky. A small button toggles the light intensity from low to dim to off.
Place the item on the page that you want to read, push the button to the light intensity that you desire (allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness, which may take a minute or more), and flip the item to the other page to read. As you turn the page, you will need to take the item out, and place it back into the book.
In concept, this product is ideal. You have a light source that is limited to the pages that you are viewing. However, even on the highest intensity (let's call it dim and dimmer), the light is still somewhat low. What can you read with this item? Books that have high contrast paper (glossy pages are most ideal since the reflective proper of the paper allows for better view). Conventional novels are a bit more difficult to read. Magazines are impossible unless you read on your stomach with the magazine placed on the bed. Furthermore, pictures are difficult to see, at best.
Like any screen on a laptop, I placed a SCREEN PROTECTOR on my lightwedge to prevent scratches. Any scratch with transmit uneven light (more than usual).
Given that LEDs have very little power requirements, I have had the same batteries in the unit for the past 3 years, and it is still running.
More LED bulbs along the 'spine' of the handle would improve the light intensity.
A thinner, scratch resistant plastic with a lighter handle would be a marked improvement.
Knowing the limitations and tendency for scratches, it is an innovative product that still has good uses. You will need to try this product for yourself, before you can decide if it works for you.
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LightWedge Harry Potter LUMOS Book Light
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