Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone Review

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
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Outside the US, the rest of the world knows the first Harry Potter book and film as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." This is the blue ray version of that first film. Actually the only differences in the US and British (Though this disc is probably the Canadian edition since it is region 1) versions is virtually wherever the characters say "sorcerer's stone" in the US version, they say "philosopher's stone" in the British version. Frankly I prefer the British version. This is a one disc blue ray product. The resolution is superb throughout the movie. This disc has the movie and the following special features: Additional Scenes; Capturing the Stone: Casting and Bringing the Novel to Life; Around the World Multilanguage Lips; Ghosts of Hogwarts; Yearbook Character Clips; Lesons in Qudditch and What It Takes To Hatch a Dragon Egg; Theatrical Trailers.
I particularly enjoyed watching this high resolution blue ray disc looking for those items that will be in the Deathly Hallows: the put-outter; Griphook the Goblin; the vaults of Gringotts; the first time the various characters met; the interaction between Dudley and Harry; and, of course, Snap's interactions with Harry.
I highly recommend this blue ray edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

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